Tidal Datum
- In general, a datum is a base elevation used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths.
- Wikipedia: Datum, NAVD
- A tidal datum is a standard elevation defined by a certain phase of the tide.
- Tidal datums are used as references to measure local water levels and should not be extended into areas having differing oceanographic characteristics without substantiating measurements.
- In order that they may be recovered when needed, such datums are referenced to fixed points known as bench marks.
- Tidal datums are also the basis for establishing privately owned land, state owned land, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, and high seas boundaries.
Source: Tidal Datums
- Township saves Elevation Certificates
- Garage floor is 6', see here
- per this tide datum is different than NAVD as tide heights is a function of latitude of location
- Tide rises and drops only a foot in floria and 14 feet in parts of maine
- Learn about National Geodetic Survey Benchmark
- See Data Sheet, and data format
- To Convert from NGVD29 to NAVD88, subtract 1.18( Lee County, FL) feet from the elevation listed.
- Vertical Transformation
St. Pete
- Station St. Petersburg, FL
- Click Datums under Tides/Water Levels
- Zero is MLLW, NAVD88 is 1.48, MLW .39, MLW-NAVD = -1.09
- MHW=1.98, MHW-NAVD = 0.50
- Station Clearwater Beach FL
- Click Datums under Tides/Water Levels
- Zero is MLLW, NAVD88 is 1.79, MLW .51, MLW-NAVD = -1.28
- MHW=2.40, MHW-NAVD = .61
- Land Boundary Information System.
- Also Datum, Survey, MHW
Kevin at Bayside Dredging
- I am not sure about significance of MLW yet except the dredging company used it.
- MLW is -1.11 NAVD88 for my home as per labins. He uses it for all over FL.
- measured seawall at NAVD 3.89'
- hence my seawall is 5' above MLW
- I am not sure how we get -1.11 yet, asked Kevin
Last Edit: Thu Feb 6 14:45:22 2025, EST